Thursday 14 March 2013

Marilyn Monroe


Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe – 1962. Size: 36x36, Medium: Screen print, Location: National Gallery of British Art

5 Unique Facts about the Work

-          This image of Marilyn Monroe was done shortly after she committed suicide in 1962
-          The image is based on a famous publicity photo taken by Gene Korman for a movie she made in 1953 named Niagara
-          First image Warhol did when he began experimenting with silk screening
-          Image shows the falseness of fame. Warhol shows that the public image of Marilyn Monroe is so fake, nothing the public saw reflected her real life
-          For this and many other images Warhol experimented with colour. He purposely selected the bright colours to reflect the falseness of her public image 

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