Thursday 14 March 2013

What make Warhol a True Master

        I would say what makes him a true master is his courage to announce his homo sexuality in the 60’s. Through his mastering of advertisement Warhol mastered a style and mastered a market. The influence of celebrities was massive in his time with superstars like Elvis and Marylyn Monroe, and the people loved them. He used this idea of peoples love for culture to create art that captured people’s attention; from famous products to people to car crashes. Warhol’s work was for the masses not just for the upper class to hang in their dining rooms. Warhol’s art always suggests something about life; he let the world around him influence his art. His style received a lot of criticism but he still pushed forward and he certainly did make a difference in today’s life.

 “Sometimes the little times you don't think are anything while they're happening turn out to be what marks a whole period of your life” – Andy Warhol

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